Game action
Democracy 3


31 Aug 15
23 Oct 17
17h 29m

Democracy 3 Achievements

Here is the full list of all 42 Democracy 3 achievements. It takes around 10-12 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.

  • Oil Dependency

    Ok, so we have built a country that is massively dependent on oil, some may see that as bad, but its definitely an achievement of some sort.

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Technological Superiority

    Our country has shown itself to be on the cutting edge of technology and we are now held up as an example of innovation, skill and science. Good job!

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
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  • Apathetic Electorate

    It takes a special kind of dull leadership technique to energize as few of the electorate as you do. Congratulations on driving apathy to record levels!

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Lonely At The Top

    There really is no room for friends at the top of government, and your constant dismissal of ministers shows you take that attitude to heart.

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Popular Leader

    Few leaders have that special ability to be all things to all people, but somehow you have pulled off the trick of being popular with almost everyone. Nice work!

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • World Stage

    Few leaders grasp the complexities of global events the way you do. You seem able to look at any country or situation, no matter where, and deduce the solutions to their problems.

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Narcotic Economy

    Other countries may look at narcotics as a threat, but congratulations you have seen them for what they are...a very lucrative source of government income.

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Inebriated Society

    Forget the illuminati, say hello to the inebriati! The whole country enjoys a drink now and then, or in fact...all the time!

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Military State

    A wise man once said that society can never have enough people in uniform carrying guns. And it looks like you took those words very seriously indeed.

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Free Market Paradise

    We can now truly hold up this country as the prime example of a free-market system, where everything and everyone is for sale at the right price. Bravo!

    23 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Divided Society

    Who says equality is a bad thing? You have driven a wedge the size of a football stadium between the haves and the have nots. Congratulations.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Surveillance society

    Everywhere our people go, we have them under observation. We see and hear everything. Remember citizen, you have nothing to fear…

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Healthly Minds & Bodies

    They say that nothing really matters as long as you ,or in this case, your entire country, has their health. And our medical report has never been so positive!

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Agrarian Society

    Who needs cities and technology anyway, when you can have the majority of your citizens out in the fields doing an honest days toil?

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Police State

    It seems nobody has been a stronger champion of the power of the state than you. Our citizens are now under firmer control than ever before. Good work.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Banana Republic

    They say its important to stick to what you do best, and looking at our economy, we grow food and export it better than anything else. Bananas for Lunch!

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • True Patriot

    There are people who claim to be patriots, then there are patriots, and then there are true patriots like yourself. All stand to salute our glorious flag!

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Kyoto Award

    We may be members of a small club, but it's an important one. We are proudly one of the few nations that are taking our climate change obligations seriously.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Socialist Paradise

    Congratulations comrade! You have remade this country in the very image of a socialist paradise. The proletariat are down-trodden no longer. Excellent work!

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Poverty Eradicated

    Nobody cheers as loud for you as those people you have raised out of poverty, in your triumphant mission to rid the curse of poverty from our country. Well done.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Educational Failure

    It is a sort of modern miracle that we have managed to create a society so poorly educated and yet somehow it still functions.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Survivor

    They say some politicians are political survivors, but you really define the word with the way you keep dodging those terrorist plots. Here, have a shiny medal!

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • God's Kingdom

    You have done fantastic work in the service of God, and restored our country's rightful status as one Kingdom under God, with a pious and devoted population.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Divisive Leader

    A narrow victory. By just squeaking past the point needed for re-election you have managed to retain power, but are widely seen as a divisive leader.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Economic Stability

    Sometimes its not how much the economy is growing, but how steadily it ticks alonmg that makes all the difference. Congratulations on overseeing such stability.

    22 October 2017 - Add a guide
  • Economic Miracle

    You have shown exceptional skill in managing the economic affairs of the nation. The people owe their wealth and prosperity to your remarkable economic genius!

    01 September 2015 - Add a guide
  • Elder Statesman

    You have now been returned to power by the people so many times, we are starting to wonder if it's worth putting anyone else's name on the ballot papers! Nice work!

    01 September 2015 - Add a guide
  • Budget Balancer

    Using a combination of prudence and economic ability, you have managed to keep the country's finances in the black for five whole years. Congratulations!

    01 September 2015 - Add a guide
  • Full Employment

    Have you seen long queues of jobless citizens queuing for work? Neither have I, nor will I, in this land of full employment! And we owe it all to you and your work!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Flip Flops

    You have managed to second-guess your policy decisions so many times that the electorate are accusing you of being the 'flip-flop' politician. Perhaps you should be more decisive in future?

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Darwin's Legacy

    Religion has been all but wiped from our country, leaving a society that believes in science, technology and evidence, rather than faith in religious text.

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • One Party State

    Congratulations! You have all-but-banished the thought of any other political parties from the minds of the electorate, reducing other politicians to mere has-beens.

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Cabinet Government

    Congratulations! You have managed to steer the ship of state for six years without once having to resort to firing a minister or enduring the embarrassment of a resignation.

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Green Utopia

    You truly have made this country a green and pleasant land, free from the horrors of pollution, waste and damage to the climate. We and the planet thank you!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Legitimate Leader

    You have managed not only to win the election, but take a majority of the entire electorate with you, leaving no doubt that you are this country's legitimate leader.

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Landslide

    Amazing victory! This is nothing short of an electoral landslide, which shows that you have fundamentally won the political argument in the minds of the electorate!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Intelligentsia

    You have managed to preside over an unpallalled period of high educational achievement and turned this nation into the worlds intelligentsia. Congratulations!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Sovereign Wealth

    Oh how we look upon those countries with debt problems and laugh, now we have you as our astute and dare I say 'prudent' leader. The bank balance looks just great!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Filibustering

    You certainly have the stamina for politics, you have been working away in your office for so long now that it's almost time to start the next days work!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Egalitarian Miracle

    We may not all look alike or sound alike, but under your leadership, we all now feel equal with our fellow man/woman/other, and isn't that the most important thing?

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Crime Free Utopia

    Like nowhere else, the citizens of this country can now walk the streets safely, and sleep sound in their beds knowing that crime is practically consigned to the history books. Excellent!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
  • Electoral Success

    Success! You have been democratically elected for another term. Somehow you have managed to win over the electorate to your political views. Congratulations!

    31 August 2015 - Add a guide
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