6. Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure Story walkthrough - Chapter 4

Bjorn wakes up in his hotel room after having a vivid dream where he was still in Paris. After rueing his continued presence in Nogo, there's not much to do here so exit the room. In the Hotel Corridor, you'll automatically check on Sandra. There's no answer after you knock on her door, so exit the hotel to the map. It's time to visit the Museum.

Museum Entrance

Cookie #85 is on top of the bench towards the right side. Cookie #86 is hanging from the gadgets stand, just above the bunny. Cookie #87 is stuck to the Chamber Pot Exhibition poster, underneath the c in can.

Chapter 4

Click on the quizz machine and press the start button. The answers to the questions are:

  1. Capital of Nogo -- (2) Nogo
  2. Number of hotels -- (3) 1
  3. Name of the Bazaar merchant -- (2) Big
  4. When the excavations were conducted -- (3) Between 1948 and 1948
  5. Name of the shop's fish mascot -- (1) Mud Cat
  6. Color of Demetrios' crown -- (1) A hideous color

The quizz machine will explode and Bjorn won't get an entrance ticket. Not to worry, the turnstile blew up too. Click to go inside.

Museum Exhibition

Cookie #88 is on top of the main light in the room. Cookie #89 is tucked behind the electrical wire coming down from underneath the electric panel. You'll find it seven clips down from the box. Cookie #90 is stuck to bottom left of the Go There right arrow sign.

Click on the tap on the water cooler. Let all of the water drain out of the cooler and onto the floor. Doing so will get you this achievement:

There are five Exploit signs that explain different aspects of the museum. You need to click on Exploit 4, the sign above the Go There sign, and exit the close up for the museum archaeologist, Roger, to appear. When he does, you'll automatically enter into a conversation with him.

Chapter 4

Click on "The story". Roger tells Bjorn the story of King Demetrios and how he discovered a machine that could build anything. He used it to build a temple full of treasure, but then he got bored and abandoned it. The location of the temple is only revealed through five chicken statues and their respective tablets, one of which Bjorn currently owns. Click on "The tablets" where Bjorn is told what symbols they depict. Click on "The tablets" again to learn that the thieves are after Bjorn because of an advert he placed about his shop. Click on "The tablets" for a third time to learn that the thieves have been after the tablets for a while. Click on "The tablets" for a fourth time and Roger will urge you to keep the lightning tablet safe. At this point you can exit the conversation.

Exit the museum and go back to the hotel. Go up to Room 201 and click on the pillow on the bed. Bjorn will find that the tablet has disappeared. Exit the hotel and return to the Museum.

Back in the Museum Exhibition, you will automatically enter into a conversation with Roger. Click on "The mission". Bjorn needs to find somebody to translate the vase that's in the display. It's in old Nogoyan and only a few people can speak it. Exit to the map and head to the Underground Bar.

Underground Bar

Talk to the Arab that's sitting at the bar. You'll both go outside to continue the conversation and the Arab will urge you to kill the sorcerer if you want him to translate the text. Go back inside.

Put the plant with red flowers into the sorcerer's glass. He'll notice before it puts him to sleep. As you run out of the bar, the Arab will follow you and kill you for being an awful assassin (Game over #28).

Completing the above game over will also get you the following achievement:

Exit the area. Return to the Hotel and head upstairs.

Room 201

Click on the juicer. Put the plant with red flowers into the container and turn on the machine. Click on the pot and you'll get a pot with sleeping drug.

Exit the hotel and go back to the Underground Bar.

Underground Bar

Click on the bird that is on the sorcerer's hand. While he is distracted as it is flying around, use the pot with sleeping drug on the sorcerer's glass. He'll fall asleep. The Arab will be convinced that the sorcerer is dead so he'll agree to translate the vase for you on one condition... you bring the vase to him. Exit the area, but before we return to the Museum, we need to revisit the Old Excavation.

Old Excavation

Click on the pond. Click on the fishing rod that Bjorn had previously abandoned by the side of the pond. He'll take off the string and be left with a crowbar. Exit the area and return to the Museum.

Museum Exhibition

Use the crowbar with the vase. The security alarm will go off and Bjorn will be arrested for theft (Game over #29). Use the screwdriver on the electric panel. When inside the box, use the screwdriver on the panel and Bjorn will be electrocuted (Game over #30). Click on the electric panel again. Use the scissors on the top left wire. Bjorn will be arrested for tampering with the security system (Game over #31).

Click on the electric panel. Use the scissors on the middle wire going into the left of the panel. Then use the scissors on the middle wire coming out of the bottom of the panel. The security system will be switched off.

Chapter 4

Use the crowbar on the vase. You'll steal the vase out of the case without the security alarm going off. Exit the area and head back to the bar.

Underground Bar

Talk to the Arab. You'll automatically go back outside.

Select "Crowbar". Bjorn will be shot before he has a chance to use it (Game over #32).

When the Arab threatens to kill you, select "Medallion". After blacking out for a few moments, Bjorn finds that the medallion attracted the bullet and he's fine. You'll automatically exit the area. Return to the Museum.

Museum Exhibition

You'll automatically talk to Roger again. Select "The five you shall lay..." Roger will tell you where the thieves' hideout is located and asks you to retrieve the tablets.

Select "No". Roger will shoot Bjorn for refusing but this time the medallion won't catch the bullet (Game over #33).

Select "Yes". Exit the area and click on the Hideout.

Outside the Hideout

Cookie #91 is crushed under the wheel of the truck on the left. Cookie #92 is in the brickwork of the fountain, to the right of the statue. Cookie #93 is tucked under the right corner of the crate.

Knock on the door of the hideout. Select "No" to stay where you are. The thieves will shoot Bjorn (Game over #34).

Game over #34 is the half way point of this set of collectibles. As such, you'll get the following achievement:

Click on the door of the truck. Click on the shears that are in between the driver seat and the middle seat.

Click on the lever. Select "Yes" to press the lever. Bjorn will be killed when the truck crashes (Game over #35).

Chapter 4

Click on the window to the left of the hideout's door. You'll overhear a conversation between the thieves and the Arab. The Arab gets shot and the thieves discuss the location of one of the missing tablets. Now Bjorn needs to come up with a plan.

Click on the chimney. Bjorn decides he needs to get on the roof. Use the shears on the hand and you'll get huge fingers. Use the huge fingers on the ladder to replace the missing rungs. Click on the ladder and Bjorn will climb on the roof.

Chapter 4

Use the crowbar on the satellite dish. When it cuts off the signal to the TV, the thieves will come out to investigate and they'll shoot Bjorn (Game over #36). Use the lighter on the barrels. They contain gas and they'll blow up when this happens, taking Bjorn with them (Game over #37). Click on the chimney. Select "Get into the chimney". Bjorn will get stuck and will starve to death (Game over #38). Go to the right of the roof. Move the cursor to the far right of the screen andclick there so that Bjorn falls off the roof to his death (Game over #39).

Completing game over #39 will award the following achievement:

Use the shears on the tree to get a branch. Use the branch on the barrels to get a branch soaked with gas. Combine the branch soaked with gas with the remainder of sleeping drug to get a branch soaked with drug and gas. Combine that branch with the lighter to get a flaming branch. Use the flaming branch on the chimney. Bjorn will drop the branch and alert the thieves.

Go to the right of the roof. The thief will discover you. Ready the crowbar from your inventory. Just after the thief shoots a bullet at the roof and it passes Bjorn, use the crowbar on the wheel that's on the far right of the roof. You'll crawl across the roof in between the bullets and use the wheel to crush the thief. Unfortunately the second thief will then discover you. He tells you to get down off the roof or he'll shoot. As you climb down the ladder, Bjorn will fall off it.

Meanwhile, we'll be playing as Sandra for a while. Knock on Room 201. Even though there's no answer, Sandra goes in. She'll pick up the lightning tablet and the airline tickets from Bjorn's bed for safekeeping. Head downstairs.

Hotel Bar

Click on the appetizers. Click on the box at the end of the bar. Sandra needs to write something crude for the next achievement. There were some words that I couldn't get to work but "crap" works every time, so write that on the postcard. The bartender will check it and won't be pleased, but it will get you the following achievement:

Exit the hotel. She wants to start with the Museum so we'll go there first. Head inside.

Museum Exhibition

Talk to Henri. He'll tell you that he saw a similar tablet to the lightning tablet just a few days ago but he can't remember where. You need to ask his wife who is back at the hotel, so return there and head upstairs. In the Hotel Corridor, knock on room 204. Paulette isn't pleased to be interrupted but tells you that the tablet was at the Bazaar. Exit the hotel and click on the Bazaar.

Outside Bazaar

Click on the postcards. Pick any of the postcards, it doesn't matter. When Sandra goes inside to pay, she'll write something on it. Write "crap" again. You won't get an achievement immediately but this will set one up for later. Go back outside.

Talk to the merchant. He has the tablet but won't take credit cards or cheques. He will exchange the tablet for a kiss but Sandra isn't keen. Exit the conversation, exit the area and head to the Underground Bar. Talk to the Fortune Teller. She'll give you a pendant but you need to get her a lizard in return. Exit the area and head to the excavations.

Old Excavation

Use the appetizers with the lizard. The lizard will run away. Exit to the map and then click on Old Excavation again. There's now a very fat lizard in the same spot as he was before. Click on the fat lizard. As he drags himself away from danger, click on the fat lizard again. Sandra will put the lizard in a bag.

Chapter 4

Exit the area and return to the Underground Bar. Use the lizard on the Fortune Teller. She'll give you the pendant in return. Exit the area and head back to the Bazaar.

Outside Bazaar

Use the pendant on the Merchant. Select "Alakaschist!" While the Merchant is hypnotised, you'll take the poo tablet. You'll be returned to the map, so head back to the hotel and head upstairs to the Hotel Corridor. Sandra can't find Bjorn or Caroline so she decides to have a nap instead. This marks the end of Chapter IV.

For once, Chapter V doesn't start with a new day. Instead, we rejoin Bjorn. When the Chapter V screen comes up, you'll get the following achievement:

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