Dead End Job Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon406,912
    13 Dec 2019 13 Dec 2019
    1 0 0
    Game info:
    This game is amazing! I'm so addicted. This is a rogue-like game in which you have to defeat and catch ghosts like a proper Ghostbuster.

    The story starts with an amazing song that explains what happened. Your mentor died and you have 30 days to help her get her soul back. To be able to do that you have to earn a large amount of cash. You start in one area and have to complete jobs and quests there, but you can only do 1 job each day and if you die you cannot go back to the previous day. So you have to be careful, because completing a job gives you a lot more money.

    What I like a lot about this game is there are new enemies in every zone, but they have the same color as ghosts in the previous zones, which will tell you what kind of abilities they have. As an example: green ghosts heal other ghosts, so you want to kill those quickly; every time you see a green monster spawn, you know what to expect of it. It will have a different attack pattern or skill, but it is green so it heals other monsters.

    This game has multiplayer, which should make the game so much easier, since the difficulty doesn't change between playing solo or playing with others. If you have the chance to play with others, I would give that a go.

    I really love this game, and that says a lot. I normally don't like rogue-likes, but this has so much humor and it is such a good game that I played this so much. I'll add this game to the list of games I really love. I'm also a bit proud of myself, because I got an achievement in this game that I normally wouldn't even try to get, because they are harder to get. Speaking of those...

    Achievements info:
    This game has a few easy achievements, for unlocking new areas or using your first item. It also has a lot of harder to get achievements: getting all the items, beat the different areas without getting hit, completing X jobs in each area. Most of them will be time-consuming and you'll have to play more than those 30 in-game days, but the first few times it might not really be a new replay... and you'll also keep your stats for most of the achievements. When you earn achievements, you usually also unlock new items in the game, which helps you out with finding those 100 different items.

    Pros & cons:
    + Very addictive gameplay
    + A lot of humor
    +- Challenging achievements that will be time consuming

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