Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge Reviews

  • PrettzLPrettzL192,724
    06 Oct 2016 03 Apr 2017
    2 1 0
    Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge is irreverent, comically and crudely graphic, overtly racist, and not to be taken seriously.
    At its core it is a side view (2.5D single room) physics puzzle game.

    Gameplay Summary:
    Your objective is to destroy a Cat somewhere in the level using a ball, the tools/objects available, and a often times a red button
    You have a limited number of attempts with which to complete any given level
    There are 44 levels to complete
    After completing a level you receive a password to play it again (Excepting the first level)

    Gameplay Details:
    Levels are composed of walls of various thickness and angles to make a direct approach difficult
    Players must direct the movement of a ball to activate a trap the Cat is trapped in
    Either the ball must touch a button to activate a trap to destroy the Cat or the ball must push an object which must be moved in order to destroy the Cat
    Objects travel and occupy space in various ways (Balls roll, 'gravity' affects things, platforms tilt and can lift/be weighed down by objects)
    Objects cannot be placed overlapping other objects, in various unmarked empty spaces, and etc.
    Several tools/objects to choose from which have various levels of control and presence within any given level
    Objects/tools have fuses/timers which count down their activation

    Overall Impression:
    This quaint and crude game is in essence unplayable due to inconsistent physics, a cluttered GUI, tool/object selection becomes difficult in the latter levels once more objects/tools are unlocked, object placement is hit or miss, and objects with timers/fuses are not set by any standard clocking method and have no visual indication of a countdown.

    The sound design is actually decent and appropriate for the type of product it is, the music is repetitive but charming.

    I can only recommend this game to abject challenge seekers. The 2.5D element incorporated in to the physics of objects makes the level design highly flawed as you cannot place objects in the foreground or background of the levels.
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