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Amount of ads

  • Posted on 17 January 22 at 21:03
    Does this site really need to have so many ads constantly being spammed? I signed up awhile ago but never come here as the ads are super annoying and intrusive. They make the whole site look poor and amateur. I get that ads help to generate revenue to run the site but do we really need so many? Even when you close an ad, another soon pops up in it's place blocking you from seeing what you were trying to look at.
  • N1ghtshade3N1ghtshade3284,726
    Posted on 19 January 22 at 11:56
    I agree they're excessive; I keep my adblocker on even though I typically whitelist it for sites I like to support.

    This site does offer a $30/year subscription which removes ads, among other things. I'm someone who actually doesn't mind paying small annual fees to keep sites I like running; I pay the same amount for a TV/movie completion tracking site. The reason I'm not paying for this site though is that I find the UI to be a complete dumpster fire and half the time I end up going over to AStats to look at achievements because even though their UI is still bad it's a million times less noisy than TSA.

    If they toned down the ads and cleaned up the interface more people might stick around.
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