Game Discussion: Guns of Icarus Online

Guns of Icarus (Online & Allaince) are not worth the ridiculous TSA (Spam Game)

  • DanitherDanither208,275
    Posted on 14 September 18 at 15:22
    I have played a lot of games. there are very few in which I think the achievement scores are TOTALLY wrong. Even games like Payday 2 and Team fortress 2 with massively high total scores I feel are totally fair....

    Guns of icarus however is not one of those. The achievements themselves are super easy to get, it just requires hours an hours of gameplay as they must be achieved in order. Now given that I am not playing achievement spam games and have unlocked 65 achievements this month with a total of 1,949 TSA.

    However a friend who has played nothing but Guns of Icarus this month with no emphasis on actually achieving anything has managed with 43 achievements to output of 3,893.

    Summed up nicely by my friends list:

    1. Groknar Groknar 46 3,893
    2. Danither Danither 65 1,949
    3. AngelXi AngelXi 48 981

    So despite me playing Killing floor 2 on the hardest difficulty available, my achievements are worth nothing compared with someone whos arbitrarily playing the Guns of Icarus.

    I'm sure there are more games like this, the whole Logisitcs's game thats top of the TSA list is probably similar fashion. But I desperately want to have this addressed as I've LOVED achievement hunting until now and despite looking at 100's of games, non of them are worth even CLOSE to what Guns of Icarus is and it really burns me out when for every 1 achievement in that game I need to earn 10+ from another to match it.

    TLDR: Put a cap on the number of points and individual achievement can be worth. (should never be worth more than 100 in my opinion)
  • GroknarGroknar127,775
    Posted on 15 September 18 at 12:58
    Can confirm. The Scoring for Guns of Icarus is totally Ridiculous. Not only because the Achievements are worth way too much compared to the effort you have to put in. NO. You also get TWO Achievements per Achievement because Guns of Icarus: Online and Guns of Icarus: Alliance running simultaneously when you play one of the said games because both Games Share the same Achievements.

    The thing with GOI is that not many people play the Game, unlike Killing Floor. So there is a huge multiplicator on each achievement.
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