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Stuck as untrackable

  • Posted on 22 February 23 at 23:54
    Tried updating my account and im getting the " You are currently untrackable. Please change your Privacy Settings." message.

    I updated my settings in the Steam website and checked the application to make sure it updated there too. It's been a few hours and still no luck. Tried clearing my browser cache as well and signing out and back in and nuthi'n.

    How long does the status usually take to update?
  • FlippolFlippol111,749
    Posted on 23 February 23 at 04:13
    I don't think they're right still. When I visit your profile, I can't view your achievements or playtime.
  • Posted on 23 February 23 at 07:17
    Hey, I have sent this over to the devs. It seems that a regular scan marks you as Private, while a full scan (that admins/mods can do) works just fine; it scans the new achievements and removes the Private. However, after a normal scan, the Private is back.
  • JackJack7,588
    Posted on 23 February 23 at 16:06
    Thanks for getting in touch. We've had a look at your profile and it looks as though you may have the "Always keep my total playtime private even if users can see my game details" Steam setting toggled on.

    This stops us seeing your recently played games, which we interpret as a private account. If you toggle this setting off we will be able to see the data and your profile won't get set to private again.

    We will have a think about how we can account for this circumstance in the future.
  • Posted on 19 April 23 at 04:02, Edited on 19 April 23 at 12:18 by CorneliusFleming
    DoopsZero said:
    Tried updating my account and im getting the " You are currently untrackable. Please change your Privacy Settings." message.

    I updated my settings in the Steam and checked the application to make sure it updated there too. It's been a few hours and still no luck. Tried clearing my browser cache as well and signing out and back in and nuthi'n.
    How long does the status usually take to update?
    It's possible that the update may take some time to reflect in the system. Generally, it can take a few hours for changes to take effect. However, if it's been more than a few hours and the changes are still not reflecting, you may want to try logging out of the Steam application completely, restarting your device, and logging back in. If the issue persists, you can contact Steam support for further assistance.
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