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Achievement Guide status not shown.

  • HaxArasHaxAras3,305
    Posted on 12 December 22 at 12:25
    When I view a game, such as my newly purchased Back to Bed, I can't see the status of the guides for the game. I have to manually click on each achievement to see if it has a guide or not.

    I followed a link to somebody else's achievement status for a game, and I can see the guide status for that game. When I tried it for Back to Bed with my own Gamer ID, it didn't work. (Link below.) Adding it to my game collection didn't work.

    HaxAras' achievements in Back to Bed

    Why is this setting so janky? I might not start a game if there aren't any guides or I can't find any info on it. Or I might start a game specifically to add some guides for it. Why should I have to start a game to see if it has guides or not?
    Korra II.
  • Posted on 12 December 22 at 15:07
    Under each achievement it says "1 Guide" or "2 Guides". But only if there is a guide available.
    It is also irrelevant if you have the game started or not. Or if it is in your game collection or not. If there is a guide, it will be shown there.
    Back to bad does not have a guide for any of the achievements. Thus it's just a blank line under each avievement.

    Half-Life 2 Achievements
    Here you can see "1 guide" and "2 guides". Even if you don't have the game started.

    Hope this helps. toast
  • HaxArasHaxAras3,305
    Posted on 12 December 22 at 21:46
    Alright, thank you for the clarification. I'm used to True Achievements (well, the version of it from December 2010 to April 2018). Pretty much every game I've ever viewed on that site had achievements, so I've never encountered this before.
    Korra II.
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