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Things not to worry about

  • Posted on 08 December 15 at 16:38
    Similar problem here.

    Steam games: 236
    TSA Collection: 235
    TSA Platform Summary: 129 (incl. 15 "Apps")

    I may well have an actual app on Steam (can't remember), so I'm not too worried about a discrepancy of one.

    From what I can gather, the Platform Summary only shows games with achievements. Non-achievement games currently appear under "Apps" - but there are 106 missing...?

    Are certain games ignored in the Summary? If not, can I re-scan my games somehow?
  • RudeyRudey206,538
    Posted on 01 March 16 at 13:43, Edited on 01 March 16 at 13:44 by Rudey
    I worked with Steam's API for quite some time. A lot of the edge cases, such as demo's, prototypes, and family-shared games, will only be returned by the API within 2 weeks of playing said game. So all games that fall in these categories that you have played before creating a TSA profile, will not be picked up by the scanners. You can fix most of these by simply downloading and "playing" them again, although this is not always possible. For example most demo's can't be downloaded if you own the full game, so TSA will never find out you played those. I started a thread on the site wishlist forum suggesting a feature to allow users to force-update these games.
  • Posted on 18 March 16 at 15:22
    My Summary is up to 231 now, without me having done anything. Close enough. :-)
  • Jammy3112Jammy311238,877
    Posted on 09 March 18 at 22:35
    Might be something I've missed, but since joining and scanning my steam, it has actually messed with my steam profile. It's claiming my latest games played are the ones I played on "10 Dec, 2017" and "24 Nov, 2017"...despite having just played Rocket League.
    Maybe an issue there? Or is this a known thing?
  • DreamDream29,952
    Posted on 10 May 18 at 22:56
    Flippol said:
    I'm pretty worried about the huge backlog of unfixed bugs.
    Why? This site has a small team, nothing is site breaking.
  • SilverbladeSilverblade188,076
    Posted on 02 November 21 at 20:15
    Jack said:
    With the site pushed live earlier today there are probably quite a few bugs floating around, but here are some things you don't need to worry about.

    - Games marked as Apps
    For the time being we've marked every game that doesn't have achievements as an App.

    - Games with zero achievements appearing in your list
    With Steam we have the ability to pick up playtimes. As such any game that you've got a playtime in is automatically added to your games list. If you own it and haven't played it then it goes in your game collection instead. We may change this in the future.

    When I click on any day in my Period Summary I get a "Sorry, there are no matching achievements for these criteria". Is that one of them bugs?
    May the Force be with you... always.
  • Posted on 03 November 21 at 00:15
    Silverblade said:
    Jack said:
    With the site pushed live earlier today there are probably quite a few bugs floating around, but here are some things you don't need to worry about.

    - Games marked as Apps
    For the time being we've marked every game that doesn't have achievements as an App.

    - Games with zero achievements appearing in your list
    With Steam we have the ability to pick up playtimes. As such any game that you've got a playtime in is automatically added to your games list. If you own it and haven't played it then it goes in your game collection instead. We may change this in the future.

    When I click on any day in my Period Summary I get a "Sorry, there are no matching achievements for these criteria". Is that one of them bugs?
    I'm having the same problem on any page that queries achievements. I tried the My Achievements and the Easy Achievements links and they both say "Sorry, there are no matching achievements for these criteria". No difference when I tried changing any of the criteria.
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