Titan Quest Anniversary Edition Reviews

  • AstaritusAstaritus306,035
    05 Sep 2023
    0 0 0
    Wake up hero! The forces of evil are terrorizing their native lands. The titans imprisoned in Taratara will soon be freed and will destroy the human race! Even the Gods cannot cope with the problems that have fallen to their lot.
    Take up arms and fulfill your destiny!

    + Availability of achievements
    + Availability of collectible cards
    + Localization into several languages, including Russian
    + Possibility of cooperative passage
    + A variety of opponents based on the myths of Ancient Greece, Egypt and China
    + Boss Battles!
    + Ability to improve the hero and his abilities
    + Large selection of equipment!
    + The presence of the editor of the World
    + Multiple worlds with their own unique environments and enemies!
    + Support for community mods in the Steam Workshop
    + An abundance of blessings and curses that make the game more difficult

    Did not like:
    - Separate tasks in co-op mode
    - Separate loot in co-op mode
    - On locations it is possible to find opponents that exceed the level of the player by an order of magnitude (Especially a lot of them in the final levels)
    - Separate map opening in exploration mode for each player
    - A bug with teleportation, in which the ground on the location disappears - being replaced by a white texture
    - Inability to rotate items in inventory to save space
    - Inconvenient camera angles that can hide opponents from the player's eyes, as well as interfere with movement around the map
    - Poor algorithm for auto sorting items in the inventory, leaving a lot of empty unused space
    - Constant use of LMB to attack/move
    - Lack of adequate pricing policies for buying/selling items
    - Weak AI of allies that can be inactive - during the attack of the character
    - Opponents merge with the background of the surrounding space
    - Abundance of invisible walls
    - The character cannot automatically navigate to screen boundary points
    - Inability to rotate the camera
    - Opponents notice player through walls
    - Enemies are able to damage the player through walls
    - After killing the Skeleton Summoner, the summoned skeletons do not disappear
    - Enemies are able to deal damage with a melee attack while moving behind the player - which is a few meters from the enemy model
    - Inability to use attack/magic/item while moving
    - Braking, freezing and FPS drawdowns are possible
    - The meaninglessness of gold as the game's local currency
    - Difficulty of moving through the Rune Portal when there are summoned creatures nearby
    - Binding the speed of magical charges to the FPS of the game
    - Poorly implemented magic leveling system
    - Incorrect positioning of the sound in some caves, as well as the use of incorrect sounds (Sound of the tide and seagulls in the desert caves)
    - Magic box in the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, closed on Guard - which is located on another floor
    - Items can fall out of the map
    - Late appearance of dropped items, due to incorrect game physics
    - After death, opponents fall through the map. Often with objects
    - Some enemy corpses are stretched after killing
    - A bug in which the character gets stuck in the textures of objects - if you use the Rune teleporter near the environment models
    - Add-ons for the price of the game
    - Continuation of the game not from the save point, but from the nearest Resurrection Fountain. At the same time, all killed opponents come to life.
    - Some items from defeated enemies and chests cannot be picked up
    - Plenty of empty dungeons without good rewards for completing
    - Only a hero leaves footprints in the sand
    - 5-6 fps when watching the end credits
    - The appearance of opponents under the map, without the possibility of killing them
    - Summoned creatures do not level up with the player
    - Character death at 50-70 health (1-3%)
    - Lack of display of debuffs imposed on the player and their activity timer
    - Fire Demons do not take damage when in contact with water
    - Some quest items can be duplicated
    - A bug with fog, in which the screen turns white - not allowing you to see the ground and opponents
    - Lack of elementary stops during the magic attacks of many opponents and Bosses
    - There is no possibility to reset the characteristics of the hero if you have invested in the wrong statistics
    - Giant, empty final maps filled with opponents at every turn
    - The presence of several pouches, instead of the normal additional inventory window
    - Badly readable signs/names of Souls in the world of the Dead and Elysium
    - Broken scripts of some NPCs
    - Enemies go through some environment/wall models and also partially fall through textures
    - A significant reduction in the location of the Fountains of Resurrection in the Underworld


    "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" is an updated and re-released edition of the cult role-playing game "Titan Quest", which was released in 2006. A remaster titled Anniversary Edition was released in 2016 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original game. The project was developed by Iron Lore Entertainment and published by THQ Nordic Games.

    "Titan Quest" is a typical antique fantasy game based on the mythology and legends of ancient Greece, Egypt and China. The player will have to go on an epic journey through various regions and fight with many mythical creatures and gods.

    The Anniversary Edition has improved the game's graphics, including high resolution support, and fixed some bugs. New content has also been added, including new enemies, items, skills, and new bugs.

    One of the features of "Titan Quest" is the freedom to choose the class of the hero. The player can choose one of eight available directions, such as warrior, wizard, hunter, etc. Each class has its own system of skills and specializations, which gives the player the opportunity to create a unique hero with his own style of play. Unfortunately, the game has abandoned the classic character ability upgrade, forcing the player to invest experience points into a LEVEL, through which you unlock new abilities - which can be activated by investing additional points. As a result: You will not be able to make a full-fledged specialist of one class, but will be interrupted by the skills of the first levels.

    The game also offers various tasks and quests that will lead the player through various locations and dungeons. During his journey, the player will have to fight various enemies, get loot and improve his equipment. But due to the latest addition - the game incorrectly calculates the drop of items. Giving players equipment from missing DLCs that the player cannot interact with. Which significantly reduces the chance of dropping ordinary items and the possibility of finding "good" things to pass.

    "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" offers players not only an exciting story mode, but also the opportunity to play co-op mode, where you can join friends and take an epic journey together. This is a great opportunity to pass all the tests and battles together, as well as to exchange loot and create powerful combinations of skills.

    The graphics in "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" though updated and improved, still retain their antique style. The scenery and level design recreate the atmosphere of ancient civilizations, and the monsters and gods that you have to face are impressive and detailed. Unfortunately, there are graphical bugs, including flickering shadows, disappearing textures, and a poorly designed fog effect.

    It is also worth noting the support for modifications in the game. The Titan Quest fan community has created many mods that add new quests, levels, items, and other cool features. This greatly expands the possibilities of the game and adds even more variety to the gameplay.

    All in all, "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" is a colorful and exciting game with a lot of content, interesting battles and a beautiful world. If you like role-playing games and ancient mythology, then this title is definitely worth a try. Immerse yourself in the era of heroes and gods, the upcoming you have to win!

    However, I am very disappointed with the game. After reading the positive reviews, I was expecting something fun and exciting, but unfortunately my experience with the game was far from that.

    Firstly, the graphics in the game leave much to be desired. The game's graphics engine shows its age, and even with the updated version, the visual performance leaves the impression of outdated and underdeveloped. The animation of the characters looks unnatural, and the environment and textures are not well developed, which greatly affects the atmosphere of the game.

    Secondly, the gameplay in "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" leaves much to be desired. Combat mechanics often feel monotonous and boring. The control system is inconvenient, making it difficult to perform actions during combat. In addition, opponents often show unpredictability, consisting in the fact that a low-level enemy can inflict a 10000% critical attack on you, which is able to kill you in one hit.

    Also, I didn't like that the game offers very little variety in character classes and abilities. This could make up for the game's other shortcomings, but in "Titan Quest Anniversary Edition" the choices are limited and the player ends up having to replay with similar characters. You can't even simply learn all the available abilities of one class! Not to mention the impossibility of resetting the characteristics of a character if for some reason you incorrectly distributed the statistics.

    The game's campaign didn't make me feel satisfied when it was finished either. The plot construction and dialogue seem superficial, and the game world does not captivate with its originality and the seriousness of the tasks that need to be completed. In addition, the voice actors mangle NPC voices in an attempt to create "uniqueness" with subtle "racial" overlays. Which looks aloof and stupid.

    Overall, Titan Quest Anniversary Edition didn't live up to my expectations. Graphics and gameplay leave much to be desired, and the lack of variety and interesting mechanics make the game boring and unattractive.

    I would not recommend this game to those who are looking for an exciting and fun gaming adventure. There are many other games that have much more to offer.
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