Stick Fight: The Game Reviews

  • agsmithagsmith19,732
    20 Jun 2023
    0 0 0
    This game was gifted to me a couple of years ago by my brother, so that we'd have more multiplayer games to play together. We've spent the last 15 years living halfway across the country from each other, so most of our socialization is done over video games these days.

    Stick Fight is a neat little beat 'em up with interesting levels, fun weapons and amusing combat. Whether you're picking up a lightsaber and slashing away at red, sniping yellow from halfway across the map, or just punching the hell out of green, the goal is always the same: come out on top and take the crown.

    The game is not at all resource intensive and runs just fine on my 13-year-old laptop. Seriously, you can probably run this game on a potato. I generally connect a DualShock 4, but the game is perfectly playable with a keyboard. If quiet is key, however, I would not recommend a mechanical keyboard.

    Customization comes in with options to enable or disable specific weapons and maps, and even a built-in level editor (which admittedly, I have not tried).

    The graphics are obviously meant to be cartoonish, and something about beating up stick men keeps even my ex, who has declared Absolutely No Violent Video Games for our 6-year-old son, from yelling at me.

    The music is fun to bop your head to, but I'll admit that the majority of my time playing has been spent on mute. This is true of most games for me, though. Sound effects can be annoying at times, but they're better than a lot of other games in the genre. Most of what I've heard as I've been knocking out the last few achievements with my son this week has been him yelling, "WHAT?! (insert color who killed him here) got me!!!"

    Overall, my brother picked fairly well. I'm not familiar with the origins of Stick Fight, but I can still have fun punting yellow across the map. The color yellow gives me a headache.
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