Sepia Tears Reviews

  • transyotransyo23,065
    08 Jun 2017
    1 0 1
    From Scarlet String Studios comes Sepia Tears, a visual novel about a boy named Mark and a memory he is trying to forget.

    I simply downloaded Sepia Tears because it promised to be a short visual novel with a small number of achievements that seemed to be easy enough to complete. I wasn't expecting much from it, so I wasn't really surprised when that was fulfilled.

    The story is sad, and romantic, but doesn't offer much other than that. There's a lot of strange things that happen among this, and I'm still convinced Myra is some form of supernatural creature. The story actually confused me a little. Considering it's a 40,000 word visual novel, that takes some doing. I just don't think things were explained as clearly as they could have been.

    I didn't really enjoy this game at all. It has its perks, like really well done character designs that are actually quite beautiful, but other than that, this was just a short visual novel to complete for achievements for me. I wish I would have enjoyed it more, but there really wasn't much to be enjoyed about it, for me, personally.
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    Andreas TeufelI pretty much agree. The last part about the girl not being the one he originally fell in love with but a different one who "dressed up" as her... what's the point?! That "twist" was utterly pointless! Characters aren't really fleshed out in this one either. Really not a good visual novel but I gave it a 2.0 too cause it had some moments of promise. Btw, achievements are bugged, most of them are dumped on you as soon as you start the game. I HATE that.
    Posted by Andreas Teufel on 05 May 20 at 01:47
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