Northgard Reviews

  • KinglinkKinglink324,645
    19 Mar 2019
    1 0 0

    Full written review available at

    Opening paragraph:

    "Northgard’s story starts pretty simply, it’s a revenge story, where your family has been slaughtered, and you’re out to make those who did pay. Simple, but efficient setting off a great course of events. The odd thing is this isn’t a typical action or adventure game, instead what we have here is a throwback to the old days of the RTS. But is it any good?

    This is the first in my series of Humble Monthly Bundle reveeiws for April 2019. We have Northgard, Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, and Absolver. We’ll talk about the other two soon, but for now let’s take a look at the Northgard."
  • bussbeybladebussbeyblade58,817
    18 Apr 2022
    0 0 0
    Very solid RTS game with just enough challenge and entertainment to be a good game definitely could be better with ai settings and neutral factions as well as conquests difficulty being quite hard even after completing the campaign because of the ais numbers. Achievement wise this game is got some easy ones some questionable ones witch are a little confusing but not too bad and then we have the hard ones and oooooo boi well done anyone who can 100% this game. So finishing thoughts challenging but fun game with some hard achievements at points glaring recommendation to anyone who wants to shake up the RTS genre this game is a solid 4/5
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