Game Dev Tycoon Reviews

  • urzaselroninurzaselronin6,284
    13 Dec 2016
    2 0 1
    This was and is a very nice game. The achievements are mostly related to things of yesterdays. Basically you start out as a solo game designer in your garage. Its a drop down menu game where you select what you want to do next and a time bar appears to complete that task, during which you "produce" bubbles in one of four areas that help you to either make the current game you are designing better or to allow you to research other things in the game. I would recommend this game to anyone as you can have a lot of fun with it. Casual game, that follows the actual history of gaming. I picked it up on sale for less than $10 and I can say I felt I got my moneys worth out of this game and then a lot more. One achievement will take a TON of time to get but they can all be gotten on one play through if you so desire. GOOD JOB GREENHEART GAMES!
    Showing only comment.
    Posted by Araya_koko on 25 Feb 17 at 01:14
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