Figment Reviews

  • missiloonmissiloon399,386
    25 Mar 2023
    0 0 0

    Approximate amount of time to 100%: 5h
    Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
    Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
    Is there a good guide available: Yes, this one is great
    Multiplayer achievements: No
    Missable achievements: Yes, The one for killing 2 enemies with one heavy attack and hit 3 enemies with 1 heavy attack
    Grinding Achievements: No
    DLC-Only achievements: No
    Speedrun achievements: No
    Time-gated achievements: No
    RNG-achievements: No
    Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
    Unobtainable/glitched achievements: Yes, at this moment the killing all spiders achievement seems to be bugged. I hope the devs can find out what is the problem and will fix it. Here you can find the topic in which many people reported this bug, but also someone made a save file that you can download and that somehow works, posted by "nicfer79"

    What is Figment an amazing little adventure game full with puzzles and a bit of action with enemies to fight. What I didn't know before playing this and was surprised by is how much singing there is in this game, but not just some singing, but from such an outstanding quality. It felt a bit like a musical! With the description of this game, I could have known this but I didn't realize how much and how good it would be.

    The game starts off a bit weird, it felt like this was a sequel. the characters clearly know each other but you as the player don't really get introductions. After the first few minutes, I started to look on steam if there wasn't a game before this that is also part of this series and I even poked the developer if I missed something, but that wasn't the case. I don't think you miss out on a backstory, but it is just different from how you normally get introduced to characters in a game.

    I would say that Figment is most of all a puzzle adventure game, but you still fight quite a lot. The puzzles are creative and I'm not sure I understood them all, some I have figured out by trial and error. While for others I clearly noticed the hints in the environment around the puzzle.

    The achievements for Figment aren't difficult and most of them you can unlock later on by backtracking to each area. This sounds challenging but since you solved already the puzzles there is a clear path free from obstacles or you have the items close by that are needed. There are 2 missable achievements that both are attached to combat. I would do those in the "spider" area as there they are the easiest. They are missable because if you kill an enemy it is dead forever, so you might run out of groups of enemies together when you still miss those achievements. You can do them earlier on, which is much easier if you have to restart because you missed them, but the spider enemies are just easier if you know this when still have to start that area.

    Sadly at this moment (March 2023) one achievement is buggy, the one where you have to kill all the spiders. I believe the developers are still sorting this out as it is a new bug that popped up after a recent update. In the list above I linked to a topic on steam where you can see people reporting the bug, but I hope if it gets fixed that also will be stated in that topic. On page 4 you can also find a save file, I don't understand why it works but if you use that save file and kill the spiders that are next to the two houses after you picked up a couch just above them, the achievement pops. I also used this opportunity to get one of the two missable achievements, which I indeed missed, as well.
  • Admiral PewPewAdmiral PewPew194,594
    28 Aug 2022
    0 0 0
    Figment (4 stars out of 5)
    Brief introduction to the story/world: You play as Dusty who is simply trying to get hsi scrapbook back. In order to get your scrapbook back from the nightmare that stole it you will need to fight enemies and solve puzzles. The world is a very imaginative place reminding me of Alice in wonderland mixed with influences from Dr. Seuss.

    My personal opinion: I really enjoyed this game. I had no major issues with it. the soundtrack and the world were right up my alley. I liked that some of the harder puzzles were used on the optional memories to collect. I did dislike having to back track for an object I didn't take which you would need later to get a memory, it reminded me of a more traditional point and click game in that sense even though I would not call this game a point and click.

    Pros: The music absolutely slaps, its so catchy and great. Some of the puzzles are very tricky which is nice. The story kept me engaged and I was always long for the ride

    Cons: combat was a bit basic and it could have been nice to add some kind of leveling system or mechanic to your own sword other than the use of heavy attacks.

    Achievement total: 23
    Total hours played: 6.5

    Tips for any achievements: For "blademaster" hit 3 enemies with a heavy attack, you can get this pretty easy in clocktown against the spiders. There should be at least two spots were you have 3+ enemies.
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