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"Completed DLC" Not Showing Up

  • Gamer BhoyGamer Bhoy18,820
    Posted on 02 September 22 at 22:01
    I don't even know how to describe this, but I'll try.

    So I'm in the middle of playing Fallout New Vegas, and my account has shown that I have beaten the Honest Hearts DLC Achievement list, which I have - this is fine, it's reflected on my account as "Gamer Bhoy [me] completed the Honest Hearts DLC for Fallout: New Vegas"

    Except, I also completed the Old World Blues DLC, and it's not being reflected on my feed.

    Such a small issue that isn't even that important but I do like to see my account show the correct statistics when it should.

    Anything that can be done to update this?

    I hope.

    My regards in advance, no matter the response - good or bad - Thank you.
  • Posted on 03 September 22 at 11:20
    Looks like it's just the feed item that wasn't published. The stats do show that you completed that DLC: Gamer Bhoy's Dlc
  • Gamer BhoyGamer Bhoy18,820
    Posted on 03 September 22 at 21:10
    Oh I didn't notice that page. That'll do, at least. smile
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