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Streaming Overlay

  • HuntermunHuntermun16,089
    Posted on 25 March 21 at 07:49
    I was just thinking, it would be really nice to have a True Overlay for use in a streaming application such as OBS or OBS Streamlabs. What I mean by this is exactly as it sounds. Rather than using a gaming system's default Notifications, a single, unified interface for True Steam Achievements, True Achievements, and True Trophies could be used.

    What this would allow for streaming is the ability to pick the actual location and placement of an Achievement Notification, and give it perhaps one of a few selected looks for it. This could be used for any service linked to a True Account.

    Another benefit is that since in order to capture the Steam Interface for Notifications you have to capture the entire screen—otherwise, a direct game capture won't even see them—but with a custom overlay, not only could we have notifications on screen, we could place then wherever we like and potentially in whatever style we prefer. I suspect this could be done simply using a webpage and HTML like Discord's Streamkit page.

    I dunno... it was just an idea I head. Maybe you can't unify all the True sites in one interface, or maybe this'd be a feature for the premium service... but I for one would use this in a heartbeat to customize my streams.

    Bonus Points if there's an interface that could be used to track Achievement Progress for us to put somewhere one screen too while we're streaming our quest to 100%.
    See you in the Future
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