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Show hours played on My Games list + mark game as complete

  • Posted on 25 March 18 at 19:41
    The hours played was requested before too and it exists now but I would like to be able to view it on My Games list and also be able to sort games based on that.

    Also in some cases it would be nice to be able to mark the game as complete. While this might seem like an unnecessary thing here, this would make it possible to take a glance at your My Games list and see which games you've played through and only have achievement hunting left. When your games list is very long, this would be helpful.

    Now, there's also other reason I'm suggesting these. Right now there are no good websites to track your Steam games. This site has everything except those two things I mentioned. I'm not sure how well they would mesh with the rest of the site but in my opinion both would also make sense for achievement hunting.

    What do you think?
  • FlippolFlippol111,521
    Posted on 25 March 18 at 20:20
    The "My Games" list already highlights completed games in green does it not? You can also use the filter to exclude completed games.
  • Posted on 26 March 18 at 14:39
    I mean manually marking the games as "complete". That's different from achievement-complete games. The reason for this is that you'll be able to keep a track of games you've completed (say, story- or objective-wise) but where you still have achievements to get.
  • Posted on 26 March 18 at 17:12
    I don't think there is a feature like that yet! If at all, on TGN
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