Game Discussion: Survival Zombies The Inverted Evolution

why zero score?

  • Pudge204Pudge20490,516
    Posted on 08 May 24 at 00:28
    Why does this game show a zero possible score? There is a leaderboard of players who have got 214 points for this game, but now it's been reduced to zero?
  • Posted on 08 May 24 at 06:37
    Pudge204 said:
    Why does this game show a zero possible score? There is a leaderboard of players who have got 214 points for this game, but now it's been reduced to zero?
    I'll check with the devs tonight after work (no Discord here), but I have the feeling it's related to the way they are storing TA score now. It used to be stored with decimals, but it was changed to a round number back in January (see

    As the default score for a spam game achievement is 0.1 points, the TA score will most likely always be below 0.5, and when it's rounded and then stored in the database, the effective score is 0.

    The TrueAchievement score of an achievement is now a whole number in the database
    This is perhaps the simplest change from a back-end perspective, but it is probably the one you will notice first. The TA scores of achievements have always been stored to 4 decimal places, but then rounded down before being displayed everywhere on the website. So an achievement might show as 17 TA Score, but in the database it was stored as 17.3862. Now it is stored as 17.
  • Pudge204Pudge20490,516
    Posted on 09 May 24 at 12:07
    Thank you Belindo152, I understand now why there would be zero score.
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