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Can't see who else has an achievement

  • CathartisCathartis129,463
    Posted on 21 April 24 at 12:53
    I'm pretty sure that up until recently, I could click on the page for an achievement and then click on the associated stat (e.g. "73 tracked gamers"), and the site would show a chronological list of who has the achievement. This was useful for a number of different reasons - not least indulging my curiosity. However, now this no longer seems to work.

    Was that an intentional change, or a bug?
  • Posted on 21 April 24 at 14:08
    I noticed this too. I think it is a bug. It still works for some achievements and doesn't work for others.

    For example it still works here:
    Crafting Idle ClickerTrading GuildsThe Trading Guilds achievement in Crafting Idle Clicker worth 34 pointsEmploy 70 merchants

    but doesnt work here:
    Crafting Idle ClickerJourneymanThe Journeyman achievement in Crafting Idle Clicker worth 27 pointsReach level 20

    Both achievements are from the same game.
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