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Shouldn't the steam achievement values be closer to Xbox/PS5?

  • TrencherTrencher11,096
    Posted on 09 April 24 at 03:30
    I love True Steam Achievements but shouldn't the value of the achievements closer mirror those on Xbox/PS5? Take Hell Divers 2 for instance, its true achievement score is only 560 which means the actual steam achievement value is much much lower than the base 1000 on PS5.

    It seems like most steam achievements are just a base 5-10-15 in value and don't properly mirror the value on other platforms.
  • PipsqweekPipsqweek12,264
    Posted on 09 April 24 at 13:13
    Trencher said:
    I love True Steam Achievements but shouldn't the value of the achievements closer mirror those on Xbox/PS5? Take Hell Divers 2 for instance, its true achievement score is only 560 which means the actual steam achievement value is much much lower than the base 1000 on PS5.

    It seems like most steam achievements are just a base 5-10-15 in value and don't properly mirror the value on other platforms.
    The likes of Xbox and Playstation have set values for their achievements/trophies, this doesn't exist for Steam so a base of 10 per Steam achievement has been set.

    Unless you choose a preference between the other platforms (which will aggravate the fans of the one that isn't chosen) then this is the fairest way.
  • Posted on 19 April 24 at 09:28
    I do like the extended idea to check the sister sites TA and TT to see what the actual gamerscore is, and use that for TSA as well. If there's a game that doesn't exist on either PS or Xbox, we can fall back to the default TSA score of 10 (0.1 for spam games). No promises, but I have posted this suggestion in our staff Discord as I'm a fan already!
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