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Can't find a feedback forum, but have some feedback I want to share

  • vizthexvizthex71,696
    Posted on 29 May 23 at 00:21
    Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place.

    I've submitted achievement flag info for a few games, but noticed there's not an easy way to view the achievement flag forum for each game. You're given a link to it after submitting flags, but it'd be nice if you could go to the game's forum section and have a "view achievement flags" button.

    I just wanna see if the flags I submitted got accepted, and maybe check comments.

    There is the "add to my forums" button, but if you don't click the link you can't get to it.

    Very minor nitpick, but I just like to keep track of feedback & such I submit on the games/sites I use.
    vizthex, Attempter of Achievements
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