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Achievements not updating properly

  • ProfVaharrakProfVaharrak1,038,917
    Posted on 24 December 22 at 15:58, Edited on 24 December 22 at 21:36 by ProfVaharrak
    More and more frequently, new games I play and achievements I unlock dont update. I find myself having to idle games for hours after finishing them for the scanners to eventually pick them up (i.e. finish a 30 minute - 1 hour game but I need to have 2+hrs playtime logged in on steam for it to eventually - if at all - show up). This happens regardless if I wait for normal scan or request a scan. Tried PRO to see if that helped but it makes no difference.

    Recent examples:
    Build Lands unlocked 14 achievements on the 17th of december (35/58). TSA shows 21/58 as of the 24th.
    Brotato unlocked 10 ach. Game not even in my profile. (Updated on the 24th)
    Quest: Escape Room series. Finish them in 30 mins only to have to idle 2+ hrs (Q:ER2 I completed yesterday, doesnt even show in profile with 90mins play time).
    GridMiner 18/31 - 1hr playtime, doesnt even show in profile.
    and *many* others.

    Loved the site for the past 2 and a half years, never had this issue before (maybe never noticed it) but I am very disappointed (especially after subscribing to PRO for a couple months and seeing the issue become even worse).
    25 years of Internet | 30 years of gaming | Follow @ https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38287655/
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