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How to change privacy settings

  • Posted on 07 October 18 at 01:47
  • KodingKoding49,834
  • Posted on 09 November 18 at 01:55
    Is there a reason my profile isn't being tracked even though my privacy settings are public?
  • KodingKoding49,834
    Posted on 14 November 18 at 20:46
    I_Mindhunter_I said:
    Is there a reason my profile isn't being tracked even though my privacy settings are public?
    I sent you a PM.
    55 LEGO game completions on 5 different platforms across TA, TT, and TSA!
  • DrugsasDrugsas31,777
    Posted on 12 October 23 at 14:57
    Koding said:
    I_Mindhunter_I said:
    Is there a reason my profile isn't being tracked even though my privacy settings are public?
    I sent you a PM.
    Maybe you can help me as well, because I have the same issue. I always kept privacy settings public, tried to change them to private and back to public. But the site scan still says that it can't scan because my settings are private...
  • Posted on 14 October 23 at 19:05
    the playtime check box just solved this for me! thanks Belindo
  • Posted on 21 October 23 at 12:01
    Ppratt0485 said:
    the playtime check box just solved this for me! thanks Belindo
  • DrugsasDrugsas31,777
  • DatchetDatchet29,407
    Posted on 18 March 24 at 22:22
    Remco1986 said:
    Drugsas said:

    Make sure the check for "Always keep my total play time private" is OFF
    I've done this and it keeps saying I am untrackable. The scan worked yesterday after I made sure my Steam account was set to public as I couldn't create an account without it being public, but I forget to untick that box when the scan actually worked. Today however, the scan keeps telling me I need to change my privacy settings even though they were already set to public.

    I've now made sure the box has been unticked and I even set the settings to private and back to public to make sure if that would work, and it didn't. I am now out of my daily scan limit and I am thinking it will never work again as I don't know how one would go about setting an account to public when it is already set to public.
  • Posted on 21 March 24 at 11:29
    Datchet said:
    Remco1986 said:
    Drugsas said:

    Make sure the check for "Always keep my total play time private" is OFF
    I've done this and it keeps saying I am untrackable. The scan worked yesterday after I made sure my Steam account was set to public as I couldn't create an account without it being public, but I forget to untick that box when the scan actually worked. Today however, the scan keeps telling me I need to change my privacy settings even though they were already set to public.

    I've now made sure the box has been unticked and I even set the settings to private and back to public to make sure if that would work, and it didn't. I am now out of my daily scan limit and I am thinking it will never work again as I don't know how one would go about setting an account to public when it is already set to public.
    Not sure what changed, but it seems you're trackable now, and a lot of stats have been pulled in two days ago. For my learning, did you change anything after your message?
  • Posted on 24 April 24 at 06:06
    How long does it usually take stuff to show up on the site after you register for the first time? I'm seeing a lot of people here that talk about the privacy settings and I'm not getting anything on the site saying my settings are set to private, just that it says I haven't played any games yet, which I have. I have double checked all the settings and they are all public and no check marks on the game time.
  • Posted on 24 April 24 at 06:39
    HandmadeComa said:
    How long does it usually take stuff to show up on the site after you register for the first time? I'm seeing a lot of people here that talk about the privacy settings and I'm not getting anything on the site saying my settings are set to private, just that it says I haven't played any games yet, which I have. I have double checked all the settings and they are all public and no check marks on the game time.
    Please check if your privacy settings are exactly the same as mentioned on this page:
    In writing:
    - My basic details: Public
    - My profile: Public
    - Game details: Public
    - Checkbox for “Always keep my total play time private” must be UNCHECKED
    - Friends List: Public

    Also, try to compare the settings with your other Steam account, as that one seems to be working fine. Alternatively, we can remove your profile so you can register again.
  • FlippolFlippol111,521
    Posted on 24 April 24 at 18:56
    HandmadeComa said:
    How long does it usually take stuff to show up on the site after you register for the first time? I'm seeing a lot of people here that talk about the privacy settings and I'm not getting anything on the site saying my settings are set to private, just that it says I haven't played any games yet, which I have. I have double checked all the settings and they are all public and no check marks on the game time.
    Your privacy setting seem correct to me. Most likely reason is you have a Limited Account.
  • Posted on 25 April 24 at 04:10
    Flippol said:
    HandmadeComa said:
    How long does it usually take stuff to show up on the site after you register for the first time? I'm seeing a lot of people here that talk about the privacy settings and I'm not getting anything on the site saying my settings are set to private, just that it says I haven't played any games yet, which I have. I have double checked all the settings and they are all public and no check marks on the game time.
    Your privacy setting seem correct to me. Most likely reason is you have a Limited Account.
    I've purchased games so I don't know why it would be limited
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